We can supply you with many special lamps, either ultraviolet or infrared or other, for specific uses.

Xenon lamps

A Xenon lamp consist of a glass or quartz bulb filled with ionized xenon gas with tungsten electrodes at their ends. These lamps can be of continuous flux in long or short wave, or pulse streaming.

Its main features are instant lighting with no warm-up time, emission practically as sunlight and constant efficiency over its lifetime.

Electrodeless lamps

These microwave lamps light by means of a magnetron. As they are ignited by microwaves do not require electrodes or connection wires.

Due to the small space that occupies its installation are easily modulables to reach different lengths, since there are few in sizes. Available in various wavelengths.


Other types of special lamps

We can supply you with many special lamps, either ultraviolet or infrared or other, for specific uses.

Capillarity, High Intensity HID, pulsatory lamps, incandescence, HPR bulbs, special illumination fluorescent tubes …

The type of connection, format, dimensions and power will depend on the needs to be covered.


Contact us if you need lamps for other purposes not listed previously or need survey of the most suitable type of light to your requirements.